Monday, March 21, 2011


Well...I used to be the Jane Fonda Queen! I remember leg warmers and head bands and all the aerobic courses I taught! Yes - I taught! But now I am trying to get back into this fitness world. The wii is cranked up and today before I did anything I started working out on the wii. I did 30 minutes of aerobic activities. I did the step aerobics and the jogging. Both I still am only getting 1 star but I have been beating my time. So it is a start. I am in a hotel tonight and for the next 2 nights so my challenge will be getting to workout while I am on the road.  Hope you guys are working out! Excited and committed to make this happen!!

Now... as for the water challenge! You have got to be kidding me!! I started the day with 2 glasses of water & my eyeballs were floating! Then I dumped the 3rd glass in a measuring cup and realized each glass was 16oz instead of the 8oz I thought! I was happy!!! I did get all the water in -- but let me tell you...I was not a happy camper to have to pee on the plane. I finally gave in when my kidneys were about to bust.

Final thing for today...had to figure out how to eat heathy in an airport. Found me a restaurant that served Turkey Burgers on whole wheat and then got a side salad instead of fries. Looked up the points on my iphone and it was great. By the way --- love turkey burgers!

Hope everyone is doing fantastic!!!
You can do it!!! Love reading the posts! Good one Bertha!!!

Go Girls!!!

1 comment:

  1. you are awesome mom! Keep up the great work. You will be an inspiration to losing weight on the road! Great job grabbing a healthy meal in the airport!!! Way to go!

    I am sure that your hotel has a gym - get in 15 to 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill! That is a good place to start!

    I also love that you are doing the wii again!
